Environmental Impact Statements
MERC supply a comprehensive service of Appropriate Assessments (AA), Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) and Environmental Impact Statements (EIS).
We provide AA and EIS services to both the public and private sector for marine and terrestrial developments, e.g. wave energy sites, wind farms, telecommunications installations, aquaculture operations, fish processing installations, harbour and marine developments, coastal protection works, and marine dredging/disposal operations.
These services include screening studies and data/literature reviews; terrestrial, intertidal and subtidal (diver, photo, video, grab and dredge) surveys and analysis; water quality sampling; infaunal and epifaunal analysis; particle size analysis; impact assessment and reporting.
An E.I.S. must also be prepared for projects which are likely to have significant effects on the environment including, marine developments in addition to the marine element of the devlopment likely impacts on the foreshore must also be included in an EIS.