MERC have been providing terrestrial surveys since their formation in 2004. Terrestrial surveys are generally conducted as a requirement under the EU Habitats and Birds Directive in furtherance to policy needs or as a prerequisite to developments (
Appropriate Assessment).
MERC conduct terrestrial habitat and species surveys using state of the art Geographical Information Systems (GIS) technology and software, which allows the production of detailed habitat maps. Mapping is conducted in accordance with best practice guidance for habitat survey and mapping published by the Heritage Council of Ireland 2011 and other best practice guidelines as appropriate.
Environmental Protection Agency
MERC have been conducting extensive bathymetric surveys of Irish lakes on behalf of the EPA since 2010.
National Parks and Wildlife Service
MERC have conducted conservation management plans, habitat and mapping surveys and the development of surveys plans for the NPWS.
Coillte Teo
The company has provided ecological advice in relation to track maintenance to Coillte.
Wicklow County Council
MERC have conducted urban habitat mapping and biodiversity surveys for Wicklow County Council.
Cavan County Council
MERC have conducted wetland habitats surveys Cavan County Council.