Ireland is ideally placed to harness wind and wave energy, a source of the worlds greatest under-utilised renewable energy. Renewable energy constitutes a core element of the Government’s overarching energy policy. As outlined in the Government’s Energy White Paper (2007), this policy is built around the three important pillars of: security of supply, environmental sustainability and economic competitiveness.
MERC has been providing ecological consultancy services for marine renewable projects since 2008. We have conducted extensive ecological baseline surveys and monitoring of wave energy tests sites off the west coast of Ireland and are continuing this work at present.
MERC also has the expertise and capacity to conduct sub-sea feasibility studies for the planning and development of sub-sea cabling and the positioning of wind and wave energy devices.
The recent Formation of Marine Energy Environmental Research (MEER), has consolidated MERCs expertise in sub-sea habitats with expertise in marine mammal and sea bird ecology brought by the Irish Whale and Dolphin Group and ANIAR Ecology. See link to MEER on this page.
Tonn Energy Ltd
MERC have conducted ecological surveys of marine habitats, mammals and birds for the Mayo Atlantic Marine Energy Test Site as part of an EIS on behalf of Tonn Energy.
Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland
MERC are currently monitoring marine reef and sediment habitats, birds and marine mammals at the Mayo Atlantic Marine Energy Test Site.
Marine Institute
MERC have conducted subtidal surveys to assist in the section of cable route corridors and assess marine benthos on behalf of the Marine Institute at a potential wave energy site off the Irish west coast.